Cub Scout Pack 41 - Hingham, MA (Est. 1970)

Join Cub Scouts Pack 41 Hingham!  

For boys and girls in grades K-5 at PRS, East, and St. Paul schools (although children from any school or community may join)

Questions?  email 

Pack 41 Cub Scouts primarily serves Plymouth River School, East School, and St Paul School. Pack 41 is one of the larger Cub Scout packs in Hingham, and youths from any school or community are welcome, and we have participants from most Hingham schools.

For the 2024-2025 school year, our first event for new scouts will be the afternoon of Saturday September 14!  Email the cubmaster with questions.

What is Cub Scouts?  The Cub Scouting Adventure is a schoolyear-round family program designed for boys and girls in grades K-5. 

Top reasons to join cub scouts!

  • A Tufts University study released in 2015 found that that children in Cub Scouts became significantly more cheerful, helpful, kind, obedient, trustworthy, and hopeful about their future than non-Scouts
  • Kids LOVE camping, but not every parent knows how to camp... Pack 41 makes camping easy for even the complete beginner.  We take care of (almost) everything at our two nearby overnight car-camping events each year, and have knowledgeable leaders around to help.  Don't let your child's childhood go by without camping!  Join Pack 41, and you will get incredible memories, and pictures of your young children having the time of their life at camp.
  • Kids LOVE fishing! Pack 41 has two fishing derbies each year!  Again, even if parents are beginners, we make the experience happen!
  • Parents can get their kids outdoors (and off electronics!).  Pack 41 tries to do as many events as possible outside
  • Do confidence building activities WITH YOUR CHILD... for example help them build (cut, sand, paint, assemble, fine-tune, etc) their pinewood derby racecar!  And watch them race in the Pack's renowned Pinewood Derby race at Troop 1 Scout House where we even LIVESTREAM the event on Facebook (for extended family to enjoy the fun).  And we give TROPHIES to top 3 in each den, and overall King of the Hill!  (and again, even for the novice in woodworking, Pack 41 makes it EASY for any parent to help their scout).
  • As parents, YOU can build more friendships in Hingham by volunteering with our leadership group!  We have 20+ volunteers helping the Pack run smoothly!
  • Kids learn to set and achieve goals by earning belt loops and pins for activities they complete during the year, culminating in a formal end of year ceremony where they earn the different ranks in Cub Scouts!  (Kids beam with pride when they earn their rank, and advance to the next level!  A parent recently mentioned how proud they were at the end of their 1st grade year... and when the parent accidently called them a Tiger still- they corrected them, "DAD, I'm a WOLF now!")
  • Learn teamwork, without the competitive overhang... everyone can achieve in scouts, and nobody ends up not in the starting lineup or warming the bench- all scouts are active and build confidence and skills
  • TO REGISTER TO JOIN SCOUTS, you must first do so via our parent organization, the Mayflower council of BSA (which runs many of the scout packs and troops in SE Mass).  To join:  


    1. Go to

    2. Hit the red join scouting button lower left corner

    3. On next page, enter Hingham zip code 02043, then the cub scouts button and find/apply

    4. On next page, click "show results" blue button 

    5. You will see "Pack 0041 Hingham Troup 1 Committee Inc "

    6. hit apply now for Pack 41 and it will bring you through the joining process

    7. You will be asked to create an account, including making an initiation fee payment to Mayflower council

What's the parent commitment? For the Lion (K) and Tiger (1st Grade) dens, parents must stay for the duration of any scout activity, or have a designated adult responsible for their scout stay for the duration.  In typical years, Wolf (2nd grade) and higher, drop off and pick up is ok.  

The Cub Scout program emphasizes shared leadership, learning about the community, family understanding, character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Young boys and girls grow up fast. Give your son or daughter a valuable gift by encouraging them to join Cub Scouting today. The time you invest in them today will make a difference in the person they become tomorrow.

What are some of the activities Cub Scouts do?

  • Pinewood Derby races that are more exciting than NASCAR!  Hearts pound and the boys cheer as the cars zoom down the track.  Parents who are still kids-at-heart race cars against other boys.  It’s the loudest, wildest, fastest day of the year!

  • Age appropriate outdoor fun!The Cub Scout camping program includes both day camps and overnight experiences at facilities in our area.  There’s nothing like learning to shoot an arrow on the archery range, performing skits, or roasting marshmallows around a campfire.  Did you know in scouting your scout will:
    • Learn to safely use a knife (3rd grade and above)
    • Make a campfire
    • Cook actual meals on a campfire
    • Learn all sorts of knots for appropriate occasions
    • Perform skits in front of the pack

Cub Scouting is not a spectator sport. The ultimate goal of Cub Scouts is to bring the family together in positive activities.  That’s where the parents come in.

As a Cub Scout parent you can expect usually 4 events per month, although it can vary +/- 1-2 depending on the month.  Events are as follows:

  • Your scout will join a “Den.” with usually 2 Den meetings per month.  A Den is a group of boys or girls in the same grade.  On average, each Den will meet twice a month for 1-1.5 hrs to work on activities and projects, earn awards for their work, and to have fun!  Den levels are as follows, and can range in size from 6-20+ scouts:
    • Lion Den: Kindergarten
    • Tiger Den: 1st Grade
    • Wolf Den: 2nd Grade
    • Bear Den: 3rd Grade
    • Webelos 1 Den: 4th grade (Webelos stands for WE will BE LOyal scouts)
    • Webelos 2/Arrow of Light Den: 5th Grade
      • In Spring of the Webelos 2/Arrow of Light school year, scouts can cross over to BSA (formerly known as Boy Scouts of America) and join either Troop 1 or Troop 4 in Hingham; BSA Troops go from end of 5th grade thru age 18, and scouts can have a chance to earn Eagle before they turn 18
    • It is not required to earn prior year ranks to join cub scouts... scouts may join at any level... scouts that join as Wolves, Bears, Webelos, Arrow of Light, etc. all are welcomed in the pack and can begin working on go forward requirements when they join
  • All dens together makeup the "Pack"- with usually 1 Pack meeting per month The Pack is the full group of all Dens from K-5.  
  • Participate in Special Pack events - with usually 1 Special Pack Event per month(sometimes combined with the Pack meeting).  These include:
    • Fall camping overnightat Wompatuck
      • Pack 41 is committed to making sure anyone can easily camp with us, even if you've never gone camping- we make sure camping is fun for scouts and easy for parents
    • Winter overnight ski trip to Pat's Peak (sleeping on air mattresses overnight in a lodge on the mountain)
    • Spring Pinewood Derby car race (with trophies for winners)
      • Scouts work with parents to cut, sand, and paint a race car made of "pinewood" - be sure to add weights to get to 5.0 oz!
    • Fall and Spring Fishing Derby (even if you've never gone fishing, we make sure anyone can fish)
    • End of year Family Camp at Camp Norse in Kingston, MA 
      • This is the BEST EVENT IN CUB SCOUTS with the true classic camp experience on Father's Day weekend- guided activities like fishing, bb guns, archery, paddle boats, campfires, skits/songs... and anyone can easily camp for this- the camp coordinators at Camp Norse provide meals and guides for all activities
    • Hikes at interesting locations around MA, including Blue Hills, Wompatuck, Bare Cove, and other hiking trails
  • To make memories that will last a lifetime.  You and your child will go outdoors, indoors, throughout the community, and end up learning from each other and sharing moments that will be impossible to forget.  Many parents have told us how they cherish the opportunities to camp, fish, hike, and make s'mores.  Some parents tell us they probably would not have taken their kids on such experiences without the Cub Scouts making that easy and fun
  • To have fun.  There is no doubt about it; Cub Scouting continues to be one of the most exciting programs for youths.  From camping trips and a host of other activities, to the smile on your child's face when they earn their first badge, you and your child will have fun!
  • Pack 41 has had the good fortune of a highly engaged and close knit group of Leaders that allow the pack to operate successfully- and we are always looking for parents willing to join our leadership!  "Many hands make light work" is a common Cub Scout saying, and it applies more than anywhere to our group of leaders.  
    • Roles that are available for adults include:
      • Cubmaster
      • Committee Chair
      • Den Co-Leaders
      • Assistant Cubmaster(s)
      • Pack Committee Members
    • In particular, if you are planning to sign up your child as a kindergartner or 1st grader, we need adult volunteers to be Den Co-Leaders to run those dens.  We cannot field a new den without adult volunteers to lead the Den

Costs to join Cub Scouts:
  • When you first join via the process above, unfortunately you will have to pay two different entities as follows
  • First you have to pay to our national and council organizations; secondly, after you join, in Sept Pack 41 administers our own fee specific to our pack’s expenses 
  • All in, it will cost a little more than $400, plus the cost of uniform that you can buy on your own.
  • National and council dues:
    • First via the links above, you will pay the first of what will be an annual fee to the BSA (the entity formerly known as the Boy Scouts of America) and Mayflower Council, which are the parent organizations of Pack 41 serving many packs and troops ($85 to BSA, $68 to Mayflower council, and a $5.04 administrative fee), which will be a total of ~$158.  There is also an optional $15 annual fee to opt into Scouts Life monthly magazine.  These fees covers costs associated with running BSA nationally and in SE Massachusetts including the cost of running the large camping areas like Camp Squanto and the staff that run the many council wide events and operations, and national level work such as the Cub Scout program and administration.  afterwards 
  • Pack 41, which is a completely separate entity from the one above, has its own budget and expenses, and charges an annual fee (separate from the one above, and not payable until after you sign up above) that covers most of our costs to run the pack, including neckerchiefs/slides, uniform patches, rank achievement awards, pinewood derby cars/trophies, handbooks, ongoing annual dues to Mayflower Council, etc..  Pack 41's annual fee for the 2024-2025 school year will be $250, usually billed in September
  • So, the total cost of signing up for Pack 41 is roughly $158 + $250 = $408 
    • Additionally, there are investment costs in the uniform as outlined below
    • Note: Pack 41 is committed to allowing any scout, regardless of financial means, to participate in scouting. If you want to consider financial assistance, email the Cubmaster at which is a private inbox.
  • Some Pack events will have a one off fee associated with the event.  For example, Family Camp has a separate fee covering 3 meals across Saturday / Sunday, plus costs for camp supplies that weekend and other costs.  We will communicate the costs for specific event fees as they are determined in advance of the (few) events that require them
    • Family camp had a per person cost for all attending
    • Ski trip overnight at Pat's Peak will have an incremental cost

  • Uniform patches are supplied by Pack 41, but uniforms must be purchased by scouts.  Uniforms can be purchased at New England Base Camp Scout Store at 411 Unquity Rd, Milton, MA 02186 (near Blue Hills, inside of The Egan Center building), or online from 
  • Required uniform pieces, purchased by you:
  • Optional uniform pieces, purchased by you but entirely optional:
  • Hat - note there are different hats for each level- Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos - these are available at the Scout Store at New England Base Camp in Milton or online from
  • Required, and provided by Pack 41:
    • Neckerchief 
    • Neckerchief slide
    • Uniform patches (Den #, world cress, council patch, pack 41 red numbers)
  • Trooptrack software- upon joining Pack 41, you will receive a notification to register for trooptrack, which is the software we use to run the pack, once we get your application back from Mayflower council (the steps noted earlier in this email).  In Trooptrack you can pay dues, RSVP for events, and also subscribe to our pack calendar (which has a handy feature to link all your events to your phone's calendar)

Questions?  email 

For more information on Cub Scouting visit:

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2024 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved